Hi, I'm Alex Badi

Student and developer based in Valencia, Spain. My forte? Nailing back-end development with a side of UI design exploration. I'm also trying to be more open-minded and trying to learn about everything I do in life.


More about me

Welcome to my little corner of the internet! My name is Alex Badi, and I'm the brains, heart, and hands behind everything you see on this website.
I currently have a _duo-day streak on Duolingo :)
I love dogs, and I have a Golden Retriever named Iza.
(adding more info soon!)

17-years countdown


    This website

    I'm thrilled you stopped by. I'm just a coding enthusiast, working on projects for the public or just for the sheer joy of it. 💫

    A lot of private projects

    391,946 lines of code modified and 100k not counted aprox, 2,873 total contributions, and more than 50d total time coding.

    Been at

    OICV 2024

    A competition where students from the region showcase their programming and problem-solving skills. Fosters interest in computer science among youth and promotes skill development in the field within the Valencian community. (by ChatGPT)

    Let's get in touch 🤏

    Even though I don't work for others, you can still get to know me and check out some of my other projects. 😉